Anish Kapoor - Untitled (Blue Solid)

Untitled (Blue Solid), 2006
aluminum and lacquer paint
12 1/2 inches (32 cm) high x 36 inches (91 cm) in diameter
edition of 8
Anish Kapoor's Untitled (Blue Solid) is a cast aluminum ovoid in an edition of eight. The form captures a drop of water as gravity pulls it towards a surface, elongating and flattening its shape the instant before breaking apart.
Anish Kapoor, John McCracken, David Rabinowitch, and Rachel Whiteread, Fredericks & Freiser, New York, 2009
Molded, Folded, and Found, Greenberg Van Doren, 2008
About the Artist
Anish Kapoor (b. 1954, Bombay) is one of the most influential artists of his generation. Kapoor represented Great Britain in the 1990 Venice Biennale where he won the Premio 2000. The following year he was awarded the Turner Prize. The artist's wildly popular Cloud Gate (2004) in Chicago’s Millennium Park rapidly became an icon of the city. More recently, Kapoor's ArcelorMittal Orbit (2012-2014) was conceived for Olympic Park in London and is Britain's largest work of public art.

Available Works
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